
we sabotage our self-worth
through pockets of emptiness
that are not ours to hold
competitive thoughts
distracting our purpose
aching for a calmer surface
for the mind to unfold
words spoken through narrative
even the passion for change 
is becoming a strange topic
as our hard-work belongs in the hands
of the CEO's pocket
this land is unjust
shaped by hierarchy and profit
your work should never define you
we ache for a status 
that does not exist 
dismissing truth and existence
we're all caught in this mix

Fleischhack, J. (2021) 'Normal' 

chasing dreams
through iPhone screens
this platform is false
'no i don't get your meme'
this is the real pandemic
sabotaging our self-worth
through false representations
this super sad generation
exposed to political madness
engulfed by celebrity sadness
how sad we must feel
to disconnect from our truths
procrastinating on an hourly basis
confined in our boxed sized rooms

Fleischhack, J. (2021) 'Freedom is Paramount'

we are exhausted
well i am for sure
whilst the rich build more status
the poor become more poor
we self-sabotage
to feel alive
this compulsory production
is forced labour
that doesn't work in our favour

shit the rent is due

the state stealing taxes
voices silenced when reacted
the outcomes are unjust
tired. exhausted. unheard
we sabotage our self-worth
by distracting ourselves from the truth

- struggling to write. day 2 of isolation


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